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8 Infografiken zum Thema chemische Elemente


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The Periodic Table of Oxidation States

This last one shows the various known oxidation states for the different elements in the periodic table. It’s probably of more use to the chemists out there than for general interest; still, if you are curious as to what it depicts, there’s more detail in the original post.


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The Periodic Table of Endangered Elements

Not all of the elements in the periodic table are plentiful. While we will not ever truly run out of an element, some are considered endangered in the sense that in the future they may betoo spread out and costly to extract. This table, made in collaboration with the American Chemical Society’s ...


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The Periodic Table of Rejected Element Names

For elements discovered more recently, a catalogue of names have been seriously and not-so-seriously suggested before the official names were confirmed. Past elements, too, have been subject to naming variations, be it due to simultaneous discoveries, language differences, or scientific squabbles ...


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The Periodic Table of Element Name Origins

The origins of the elements’ names are varied both in terms of language and in terms of what they were named after. This table, created in collaboration with Prof. Mark Lorch from the University of Hull, tries to pin down where those names come from. There’s also an accompanying explanatory ...


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The Periodic Table of Data

Here’s a periodic table that’s crammed with data. It includes the melting point, boiling point, density, electronegativity, radius, and first ionisation energy of each element in the table. It’s also colour-coded to show how these properties vary from element to element.


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The Complete Periodic Table of Elements

The periodic table has actually only just been ‘completed’ in the past year.Four new elements had their discoveries and names confirmed in 2016, and replaced the last few placeholder positions in the table. I say ‘completed’ because scientists are still trying to create elements beyond element ...


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Periodic table of oxidations states

Die Oxidationsstufen der Elemente hängen stark mit ihrer Stellung im Periodensystem zusammen. Hauptgruppenelemente haben in der Regel eine geringere Anzahl von Oxidationsstufen. Bei Nebengruppenelementen kann die Zahl der Oxidationsstufen sehr hoch sein.


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Timeline of the Elements

Dates & Countries of Discovery

This graphic looks at the discovery dates of the elements, as well as the countries in which they were discovered, and plots them all on a timeline to give some idea of the order of discovery.


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