Meine Merkliste  

5 Infografiken zum Thema Legierungen


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The Compositions of U.S. Coins

in C&EN

In this month’s Periodic Graphics in Chemical & Engineering News magazine, we’re looking at the compositions of U.S. coins, as well as some of their quirky history.


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The Elemental Compositions of Metal Alloys

Today’s post looks at an aspect of chemistry we come across every day: alloys.Alloys make up parts of buildings, transport, coins, and plenty of other objects in our daily lives. But what are the different alloys we use made up of, and why do we use them instead of elemental metals?


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The Metals in UK Coins

In the wake of the recent announcement of a new £1 coin to be introduced in 2017, today’s post looks at some of the metals present in the coins of the United Kingdom. All of these coins are produced using alloys, or mixtures of metals; the main metals used include copper, nickel, zinc and iron. ...


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The Elemental Compositions of Metal Alloys

Today’s post looks at an aspect of chemistry we come across every day: alloys.Alloys make up parts of buildings, transport, coins, and plenty of other objects in our daily lives. But what are the different alloys we use made up of, and why do we use them instead of elemental metals? The graphic ...


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The Chemistry of an Electric Guitar

Electric guitars, on the face of it, might not seem to have much to do with chemistry. However,the materials that make them up are carefully chosen for their chemical properties, without which they simply wouldn’t function. In this graphic, we take a look at some of these materials, and their ...


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