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6 Infografiken zum Thema Blei


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Lead Iodide & ‘Golden Rain’

Chemical Reactions

Kicking off an occasional new series of graphics with today’s post, which’ll be looking at common chemical reactions encountered in schools. Today kicks off with one of my favourite reactions, the ‘Golden Rain’ demonstration, which involves the synthesis and recrystallisation of lead (II) iodide, ...


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The Dark Side of Fireworks

The Chemistry of their Environmental Effects

Many of us enjoyed watching spectacular fireworks displays to usher in the new year. However, the vibrant colours of fireworks belie the effects that they can have on the environment. With this graphic, we take a look at some of the issues that they can cause.


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The Chemistry of Petrol & The Tetraethyl Lead Story

18th May marks the date of birth of Thomas Midgley, who made significant contributions to something many of us make use of on a regular basis: petrol. Midgley was the research assistant to Charles Kettering, and the duo were responsible for the addition of the compound tetraethyl lead to petrol, ...


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The Chemistry Behind Your Home’s Water Supply

We take for granted the water that comes out of the taps in our home when we turn them on – but a lot of work goes into getting it there. Chemistry, too, has a hand in making sure that the water is safe to drink. Here, we take a look at the water treatment process, and in particular the chemicals ...


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Metal Ion Flame Test Colours Chart

This graphic looks at the colour of various metal and metalloid ions that occur during flame tests. Most people probably remember doing this experiment in school chemistry lessons, if not with the full range of ions shown here, but for the uninitiated a brief explanation of the origin of the ...


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Group 4 Elements

Element Infographics

This latest infographic focuses on the Group 4 elements. One extra fact to add for the curious: although tin has the greatest number of stable isotopes, Xenon trumps it comprehensively if unstable isotopes are also included in the count, with well over 30 possible isotopes.


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