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3 Infografiken zum Thema Arsen


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The Chemistry of Poisons

White Arsenic

This graphic is the first in a planned series looking at the effects and chemistry of a range of different poisons. As such, it seemed appropriate to start with one of the most well known poisons: arsenic. Arsenic has been used by poisoners for centuries, primarily in the form of white arsenic, ...


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Metal Ion Flame Test Colours Chart

This graphic looks at the colour of various metal and metalloid ions that occur during flame tests. Most people probably remember doing this experiment in school chemistry lessons, if not with the full range of ions shown here, but for the uninitiated a brief explanation of the origin of the ...


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Group 5 Elements

Element Infographics

The latest of the element infographics looks at the Group 5 elements. There is, once again, an interesting fact that I couldn’t quite fit in, or left out at the expense of others:Bismuth-209 was long thought to have heaviest stable nucleus of any element, until 2003 when it was determined by ...


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