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4 Infografiken zum Thema Ascorbinsäure


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Die Chemie des Glühweins

Es gibt kaum etwas Erwärmenderes als einen Becher Glühwein im tiefsten Dezember. Die exakten Rezepte können variieren, aber sie alle beinhalten einen gemeinsamen Kern von Zutaten, von denen jede etwas zum endgültigen Geschmack beiträgt. Diese Grafik untersucht einige der wichtigsten Chemikalien, ...


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Sourness & Scurvy

The Chemistry of a Lemon

With it being Pancake Day tomorrow, it seemed like a good time to look at the chemistry of the humble lemon, and the compounds that give it its sour taste. Of course, citric acid is already well known – it even has its own E number (E330). However, a couple of other acid compounds are also ...


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Blackcurrants & Cat Urine

The Chemistry of Blackcurrants

Blackcurrants and cat urine. Two things you probably wouldn’t expect to have a whole lot in common, if anything. However, to some, blackcurrants and blackcurrant bushes can have a distinct smell of cat urine, and the chemistry behind this strange phenomenon reveals an unexpected link between our ...


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Baking Bread

The Chemistry of Bread-Making

Though chemistry teachers might have to regularly field questions about the chemistry of ‘Breaking Bad’ these days, baking bread is probably more likely to figure on a list of their recreational activities. Bread-making is a process that seems simple, essentially involving the mixing of just four ...


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