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3 Infografiken zum Thema Edelgase


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Capturing Neon in a Metal-Organic Framework

Here’s the latest graphic from Chemunicate (the Compound Interest side project that works with chemistry researchers and institutions to highlight their research in graphical form). This graphic is a collaboration with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) and looks at their recent ...


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The Atmospheres of the Solar System

We’re heading out of this world for today’s post, to examine theatmospheric compositions of the other planets in the solar system, as well as our own. Practically every other planet in our solar system can be considered to have an atmosphere, apart from perhaps the extremely thin, transient ...


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Group 8 Elements

Element Infographics

The noble gases are one of the better known groups of elements in the Periodic Table, and whilst some of their applications are obvious, such as the use of helium in balloons, others, such as the use of xenon in medical imaging andas a neuroprotector, or the use of helium as a carrier gas in gas ...


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