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5 Infografiken zum Thema Fettsäuren


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Why Do Avocados Turn Brown?

The Chemistry of Avocados

Anyone who’s ever purchased an avocado willtestify that, after taking several days to reach the point of perfect ripeness, they remain at that point for an incredibly short amount of time before morphing into a brown, sludgy mess. As if to confound this problem, if you do catch them at the ...


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The Chemistry of Moisturisers

It’s the middle of summer, and hopefully, if you’re heading out in the sun, you’re taking the precaution of applying sun cream beforehand. Sometimes, however, you can end up with sunburn despite your best efforts to prevent it. After sun and moisturisers can help to soothe the burn – here, we ...


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Ein Leitfaden zu den verschiedenen Fettarten

Fett ist ein wichtiger Nährstoff in unserer Ernährung, es wird aber viel über verschiedene Arten von Fetten gesprochen und darüber, ob diese für unsere Gesundheit nützlich oder schädlich sind. Diese unterschiedlichen Fettklassifikationen haben ihre Wurzeln in der Chemie - und auch die Chemie kann ...


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The Chemistry of Eggs & Egg Shells

As the chemistry of chocolate is a topic that’s been pretty much exhausted on the site (see here, here, here, here, and here), for the Easter weekend we’re instead homing in on the ‘egg’ side of Easter Eggs. For such a simple staple of the kitchen, the chemistry of eggs is surprisingly complex. ...


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The Chemistry of the Smell of Toilets & Human Waste

Today’s postmarks a slight detour for the aroma chemistry series. So far, we’ve look mainly at pleasant aromas, but today we turn to a major malodour: that of toilets, and, more specifically, human waste. It might seem like something of a childish subject, but there are some interesting chemical ...


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