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7 Infografiken zum Thema Gold


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Die Chemie der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft

Die Weltmeisterschaft 2018 beginnt! Hier ist etwas von der Chemie, auf die Sie im Laufe des nächsten Monats achten können; der Ball und die Hemden bestehen aus Polymeren, und die Chemie spielt auch eine Rolle in dem Spray, das die Schiedsrichter während der Spiele benutzen werden.


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Ernest Rutherford’s Birthday

Today, 30 August, marks the birthday of Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford is primarily considered a physicist, but his contribution to our understanding of the atom is also important to chemistry. He was also a chemistry Nobel Prize winner, for his work on radioactivity. This graphic looks in detail ...


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The Composition of the Rio Olympics Medals

If you’ve been watching the Olympics, you might have assumed that the medals given out are, as advertised, made of gold, silver, and bronze. Due to metal values, however, the reality is slightly more complicated. Giving out pure gold medals would be financially crippling for the International ...


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The Nobel Prize Medals (and How to Make Them Disappear)

Next week, the winners of this year’s batch of Nobel Prizes will be announced. Every winner receives a Nobel Prize medal, featuring a portrait of the founder of the prizes, Albert Nobel. This graphic takes a look at the composition of these medals – and how chemistrywas once used to make them ...


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The Chemical Elements of a Smartphone

There are an isolated few graphics online that look at elements involved in the manufacture of a smartphone – for example, this ‘Periodic Table of iPhones’ – but there’s actually remarkably little easily accessible information out there that details the specific compounds used for specific ...


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The Chemistry of Diamond Rings

Diamonds might purportedly be ‘a girl’s best friend’, but they’re also quite interesting from a chemical perspective. You could be forgiven for thinking that there’s not a whole lot to them; after all, they’re simply one of the possible forms of carbon, formed at high pressure beneath the Earth’s ...


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Transition Metals

Element Infographics

This graphic looks at some general properties of the transition metals – I had a little less space to work with than with the previous graphics, on account of the large number of elements that the transition metals encompass, but hopefully what’s included is still of use.


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