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4 Infografiken zum Thema Phenole


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The Key Chemicals in Red Wine

Colour, Flavour, and Potential Health Benefits

Red wine has been espoused over the years for its supposed health benefits, fromclaims that it could let us live to 150, to assertions that chemicals within it can help prevent cancer. Whilst these are no doubta very pleasant means to justify a glass of wine (or several), how correct are they? ...


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Die Chemie des Glühweins

Es gibt kaum etwas Erwärmenderes als einen Becher Glühwein im tiefsten Dezember. Die exakten Rezepte können variieren, aber sie alle beinhalten einen gemeinsamen Kern von Zutaten, von denen jede etwas zum endgültigen Geschmack beiträgt. Diese Grafik untersucht einige der wichtigsten Chemikalien, ...


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A Brief Summary of Disinfectants & Antiseptics

Ever wondered what compounds help kitchen cleaners keep your kitchen surfaces bacteria free? Or about the compounds that help antiseptic creams do their job? In this graphic, we take a look at some of the compounds used for antisepsis and disinfection, and where they’re commonly used.


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The Chemistry of Whisky

Whisky is one of the world’s most popular spirits, and comes in many different classes and types. The character and flavour of these differing types vary widely; this, of course, comes down to their varying chemical composition. Here, we take a look at where some of these different compounds come ...


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