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3 Infografiken zum Thema Polyphenole


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Canada Day

Die Chemie des Ahornsirups

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle unsere kanadischen Leser! Um das zu feiern, hier ein kurzer Blick auf einige der verschiedenen Chemikalien in Ahornsirup.


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Polyphenols & Antioxidants

The Chemistry of Tea

After looking at the chemistry of coffee in the previous post, it seemed only fair to also consider the chemistry of tea, just so all the tea drinkers out there don’t feel left out. Much like coffee, tea contains a hugely wide variety of chemical compounds, but some of the most important in terms ...


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The Chemistry of Cider

Having looked at the chemistry behind beer previously, it seemed only fair to also take a look at cider for all the cider drinkers out there. On a hot summer’s day, the cool, refreshing taste of cider is hard to beat. But what are the chemicals behind this flavour? Before we look at the ...


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