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18 Infografiken zum Thema Säuren


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The Chemistry of Eggs & Egg Shells

As the chemistry of chocolate is a topic that’s been pretty much exhausted on the site (see here, here, here, here, and here), for the Easter weekend we’re instead homing in on the ‘egg’ side of Easter Eggs. For such a simple staple of the kitchen, the chemistry of eggs is surprisingly complex. ...


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The Chemistry of Barbecue

It’s reaching that point in the year where warm weekends mean it’s timefor barbecues out in the sun. Here’s a topical graphic looking at the chemistry behind barbecuing food, and the compounds behind the smoky taste and flavour.


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The Chemistry of the Smell of Toilets & Human Waste

Today’s postmarks a slight detour for the aroma chemistry series. So far, we’ve look mainly at pleasant aromas, but today we turn to a major malodour: that of toilets, and, more specifically, human waste. It might seem like something of a childish subject, but there are some interesting chemical ...


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The Colours & Chemistry of pH Indicators

Most of us, chemists or otherwise, have probably come across pH indicators at one point or another. I’d be surprised if there’s anyone out there who hasn’t, back in school, carried out the standard experiment of adding universal indicator to a variety of household liquids to identify them as ...


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Ein kurzer Überblick über die zwanzig gängigen Aminosäuren

Die Proteine, aus denen sich lebende Organismen zusammensetzen, sind riesige Moleküle, aber sie bestehen aus kleineren Bausteinen, den so genannten Aminosäuren. In der Natur gibt es über 500 Aminosäuren, von denen der menschliche genetische Code jedoch nur für 20 direkt kodiert. Jedes Protein in ...


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Functional Groups in Organic Compounds

A functional group in chemistry is the part of the molecule that gives it its particular reactivity; simple molecules that contain the same functional group in their structure can be expected to react in similar ways. More complicated chemical molecules may contain more than one functional group ...


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A Guide to Oxidation Reactions of Alcohols

Today’s post is a quick one with a look at alcohol oxidation reactions. This graphic tries to provide a basic summary of the reagents used, equipment required, and ways of identifying the products formed. A prominence is given to sodium and potassium dichromate as oxidising agents, despite the ...


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Why Does Bacon Smell So Good?

The Aroma of Bacon

When it comes to breakfasts, there are few aromas better than that of bacon, sizzling and crisping in a pan. As part of a brief new series looking at the chemicals behind aromas, this graphic considers the chemicals that lend bacon it’s characteristically mouth-watering scent. Considering that ...


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