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3 Infografiken zum Thema Stickstoff


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The Atmospheres of the Solar System

We’re heading out of this world for today’s post, to examine theatmospheric compositions of the other planets in the solar system, as well as our own. Practically every other planet in our solar system can be considered to have an atmosphere, apart from perhaps the extremely thin, transient ...


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The Chemistry of Diamond Rings

Diamonds might purportedly be ‘a girl’s best friend’, but they’re also quite interesting from a chemical perspective. You could be forgiven for thinking that there’s not a whole lot to them; after all, they’re simply one of the possible forms of carbon, formed at high pressure beneath the Earth’s ...


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Group 5 Elements

Element Infographics

The latest of the element infographics looks at the Group 5 elements. There is, once again, an interesting fact that I couldn’t quite fit in, or left out at the expense of others:Bismuth-209 was long thought to have heaviest stable nucleus of any element, until 2003 when it was determined by ...


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