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254 Infografiken


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The Compound Interest Periodic Table of Data

Today’s graphic is one that I’ve been working on over the past couple of weeks. Every chemistry classroom has a Periodic Table, but it’s often a drab affair; considering it’s one of the cornerstones of chemistry, I thought I’d attempt to produce a more dynamic looking version. The result is the ...


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Mole Day

Avogadro & The Mole

23rd October, is Mole Day – which might put you in mind of small, furry, burrowing animals. However, they don’t even seem to have a commemorative day of any kind; we’re actually talking about the mole in chemistry, a quantity that essentially allows us to ‘count’ atoms and molecules in a more ...


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A Guide to Chemical Hazard Symbols

Back to some chemistry basics for today’s post, with a look at the nine different hazard symbols commonly used towarn of chemical dangers. These symbols are frequently encountered in the lab – and also on some household products – and whilst some are self-explanatory, others can require a little ...


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The Chemical Compounds Behind the Smell of Flowers

Roses Their scent is majorly influenced by compound named after the flower, (-)-cis-rose oxide. This molecule is a particular isomer of rose oxide (which has 4 different isomers), and the one which contributes the typical floral rose fragrance. Carnations Carnations, too, are a common component ...


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Common Polyatomic Ions

Names, Formulae, and Charges

Know your sulfates from your sulfites, and your chlorates from your perchlorates? This graphic gives a helping hand with remembering the names, formulae and charges of various different polyatomic ions. The selection covers all of the ions GCSE students are likely to come across, as well as the ...


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Die Wissenschaft von Sonnenschutzmitteln & Wie es Ihre Haut schützt

Da der Sommer mehr oder weniger angekommen ist, fühlt sich das wie die richtige Zeit an sich mit Sonnenschutzmitteln zu beschäftigen. Es ist ein Produkt, das viele von uns für selbstverständlich halten, aber Sie haben es der Chemie zu verdanken, dass Ihre Haut in der Sommersonne nicht rot wird. ...


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Why Does Bacon Smell So Good?

The Aroma of Bacon

When it comes to breakfasts, there are few aromas better than that of bacon, sizzling and crisping in a pan. As part of a brief new series looking at the chemicals behind aromas, this graphic considers the chemicals that lend bacon it’s characteristically mouth-watering scent. Considering that ...


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Group 1 Elements

Element Infographics

I wanted to display all the key points about each group of elements, in a way that was both clear and engaging for the pupils – as a consequence, the information presented is relatively basic, so that it’s accessible for as many of the year groups as possible. I also tried to include some ...


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Group 2 Elements

Element Infographics

The second of a series of infographics on the groups of the periodic table, here some general properties of the group 2 elements are examined. As stated previously, these are primarily aimed at secondary school students, hence the relative simplicity and generality of the information presented.


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Group 4 Elements

Element Infographics

This latest infographic focuses on the Group 4 elements. One extra fact to add for the curious: although tin has the greatest number of stable isotopes, Xenon trumps it comprehensively if unstable isotopes are also included in the count, with well over 30 possible isotopes.


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