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6 Infografiken zum Thema Lebensmittelchemie


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The Polymorphs of Chocolate

With Easter upcoming, here’s another graphic on chocolate to go with the previous food chemistry graphic which looked at some of the chemicals it contains. This one examines the different structures of chocolate, why the tempering process is important to produce the highest quality chocolate – ...


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Why Does Asparagus Make Urine Smell?

The Chemistry of Asparagus

The latest food chemistry graphic looks at the chemistry of asparagus – specifically, why it causes the urine of some (but not all) people to smell. Over the past forty years several papers have been published on the subject, and several studies undertaken, to try and determine the chemical ...


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Toxizität & Aphrodisie

Die Chemie der Schokolade

Valentinstag, ein passender Zeitpunkt, um die Chemie der Schokolade für die neueste Grafik der Lebensmittelchemie zu untersuchen. Insbesondere konzentrieren wir uns hier auf die beiden häufig erwähnten Wirkungen des Schokoladenkonsums: die vermeintliche aphrodisierende Wirkung und die schädlichen ...


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Why Can Beetroot Turn Urine Red?

The Chemistry of Beetroot

The latest of the food science graphics looks at the chemistry of beetroot. An unusual effect of beetroot is that it can cause ‘beeturia’, or a red colouration to the urine, after ingestion. This is a condition that only affects an estimated 10-14% of the population, so what are the chemical ...


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The Chemistry of Dark, Milk & White Chocolate

in C&EN

This month’s C&EN graphic takes a brief look at dark, milk, and white chocolate, and the chemical differences between them. You can view the full graphic over on the C&EN site. There’s also more on chocolate chemistry in this older post from the site archives, and more on chocolate polymorphs and ...


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The Maillard Reaction

Food Chemistry

There’s one chemical reaction that, whether you have an interest in chemistry or not, we all carry out on a regular, maybe even daily, basis. That reaction? The Maillard Reaction. This is a process that takes place whenever you cook a range of foods – it’s responsible for the flavours in cooked ...


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