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24 Infografiken zum Thema Periodensystem


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Group 8 Elements

Element Infographics

The noble gases are one of the better known groups of elements in the Periodic Table, and whilst some of their applications are obvious, such as the use of helium in balloons, others, such as the use of xenon in medical imaging andas a neuroprotector, or the use of helium as a carrier gas in gas ...


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Transition Metals

Element Infographics

This graphic looks at some general properties of the transition metals – I had a little less space to work with than with the previous graphics, on account of the large number of elements that the transition metals encompass, but hopefully what’s included is still of use.


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Die Lanthanoide


Diese Grafik betrachtet die als Lanthanoide bekannten Elemente - diejenigen, die am unteren Ende des Periodensystems gestrandet sind, zusammen mit den Actinoiden. Für eine Gruppe von Elementen, die in der Chemieausbildung bis zumindest zum Bachelor nicht wirklich viel Aufmerksamkeit erfährt, sind ...


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The Actinides

Element Infographics

The penultimate elements infographic focuses on the Actinides. Many of these elements don’t occur naturally, and are produced synthetically, with some of them existing only for a fraction of a second before they decay back into lighter elements.


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