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5 Infografiken zum Thema Organische Chemie


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Chemistry History

Carothers, Condensation Polymerisation, & Nylon

On this day in 1896, Wallace Carothers was born. Listed by C&EN magazine intheir recent list of scientists who should have won a Nobel prize, we have Carothers to thank for nylon, which can be used in clothing, carpets, car parts and more. Here’s a quick look at the chemistry behind the ...


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Ein Wegweiser zu einfachen Heterocyclen in der organischen Chemie

Wir haben bereits in einem früheren Beitrag die funktionellen Gruppen untersucht, die in organischen Molekülen vorhanden sein können; hier schauen wir einen Blick weiter, auf Heterocyclen. Heterocyclen sind in der organischen Chemie enorm wichtig - sie machen mehr als die Hälfte aller bekannten ...


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A Brief Guide to Types of Organic Chemistry Formulae

Back to basics with today’s graphic, with a look at the different ways compounds in organic chemistry can be represented. Obviously, if you’re a chemist, these will all be second nature, but as was quite fairly pointed out with regards to the food chemistry graphics, if you’re not well versed in ...


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Benzene Derivatives in Organic Chemistry

Benzene is a hugely important compound in organic chemistry. It consists of six carbon atoms joined together in a ring, with a hydrogen atom bonded to each carbon; by replacing one or more of these hydrogens with a functional group, a large number of different compounds can be formed. This ...


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A Guide to Oxidation Reactions of Alcohols

Today’s post is a quick one with a look at alcohol oxidation reactions. This graphic tries to provide a basic summary of the reagents used, equipment required, and ways of identifying the products formed. A prominence is given to sodium and potassium dichromate as oxidising agents, despite the ...


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