Thermo's Antaris Target Blend Analyzer Wins Best Micro- and Nanotechnologies 2006 Award


Thermo Electron Corporation's Antaris Target blend analyzer has been named by R&D Magazine and MICRO/NANO Newsletter as one of the 25 best micro- and nanotechnologies introduced into the marketplace in 2006. With this inaugural award, R&D magazine and the editors of MICRO/NANO Newsletter select those products, processes, inventions and discoveries that are the most innovative and most groundbreaking and that are likely to have the largest impact on their industry or society. Specifically designed to meet the needs of scientists working in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical research and development, pharmaceutical manufacturing and Process Analytical Technology (PAT), Thermo's Antaris Target near-infrared (NIR) blend analyzer enables real-time monitoring of tablet manufacturing blending processes.

The blending of powders for tablet production ensures that all tablets made from the batch contain the target amount of active and other ingredients. Insufficient or too much blending results in non-uniformity of tablets and a significant loss of funds. Traditionally, the testing of pharmaceutical blends has been done by manually collecting up to 30 samples per batch and sending them to the laboratory for HPLC or other testing for uniformity. However, this testing exposes operators to high potency drugs, is not likely to detect common blend problems, is time-consuming and expensive and there is the possibility of interference with blend uniformity.

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